ULYD @ Odense Musikbibliotek 2019.
Time: 21-23 march 2019
Tickets friday:
Tickets saturday:
ULYD is a festival that celebrates the ever investigating and expanding universe of sound and art. We create room and space for dialogue. Since 2017 the festival have presented a yearly lineup were different kind of artists have performed with experimental music and performances.
ULYD also presents artists working in different contemporary fields like video-art-installations, sculptures and more.
Door: 18.00
We open the exhibition – free entry.
Door: 17.30
In september 2018, Lise Westzynthius released her fifth solo album “JA”. Simultaneously author Bjørn Rasmussen released his novel “JEG ER GRÅHVID”. Westzynthius and Rasmussen worked in relation to each others works and therefore released their work together. At ULYD III, the two artists will present their collaboration accompanied by Ebbe Frej on guitar/piano and Nils Gröndahl on violin/saw.
Jon Dræby og Jakob Folke vil samme aften præsentere et helt nyt samarbejde hvor publikum vil kunne opleve en atmosfærisk performance med ambiente eksperimenter, soundscapes og saxofoniske kald.
Door: 18.00
GrowDigga er en female artist hvis lyd og univers kan karakteriseres som Wavy BedroomTrap/Dark R&B.
Musikken er lavet i samarbejde med producenterne Semihot og Growkid.
Der er tunge 808 Kicks og bass, svævende synths, og skarpe hihats fra et genkendeligt Trop univers kombineret med industrial eksperimenterende sounddesign.
GrowDigga’s vokal er på engelsk og bevæger sig melodisk fra dyb mumble rap til syngende facetter og autotune og pitch bliver brugt effektfuldt.
GrowDigga er opvokset/bosat på mange forskellige lokationer rundt omkring i verden – dette kommer til udtryk i både lyrik og musik.
GrowDigga arbejder på et større slip som kommer ud på eget label: N.E.O.N. (Not Enough Of Nothing) i 2019, det er musik fra dette slip som vil blive præsenteret live på ULYD.
Rastlös is an experimental electronic project from the soundart student Simon Reinke Oxholm who will be presenting a more experimental side of his repertoire. His concert engages in dialogue with the art installations and visual environment at ULYD, created by the others artists.
For the first time ever the two artists Jon Dræby og Jakob Folke will present a collaboration that combines free jazz with sensible ambient music.
Alex Mørch (1987) is a transdisciplinary composer and artist. His works are typically a mixture of homebrewn machinery in spatial installations, involving human interaction. They are an exploration of the music and life that hides in the machinery, especially when pushed to its limits and connected in inexpedient ways. The compositions reflect a fascination for chaos and randomness contra synchronicity – that everything is connected (or the absolute opposite). Alex Mørch is currently studying the soloist programme in electronic composition at DIEM (Danish Institute of Electronic Music) at the Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus, from where he also holds a master degree. His works has been shown various places from The National Gallery of Denmark to an abandoned Icelandic fish factory.
Noer & Klintholm (1986, 1957) is an autodidact artistduo from Odense. At ULYD they will present their installation “Die Welle”:
“Every year people drown in the Mediterranean Sea. Humans become statistics, as the shoes drift ashore. We want to question the situation, and investigate the immigration-crisis through the lenses of art.”
“The installation is about the absurd and what happens when humans become numbers. Noer & Klintholm have gathered an impressive amount of shoes already, from local donors and Red Cross centers in this ongoing installation that is forever expanding. Made up of wooden modules, the ‘wave’ will continue to grow piece by piece.
Die Welle is not just an installation; it is architecture that forces the onlookers to move around the art piece and thus be encouraged to reflect on the theme all while being a part of the wave’s movement in time and space.”
Pernille Kragh (1992) is a video and performance artist based in Denmark. She has a master in fine arts from Det Fynske Kunstakademi – Funen Art Academy (graduated in 2018). Kragh is interested in themes such as self-understanding, body-awareness, idolization, memorization, childhood and crisis. Her videos investigate performance and the performative, and feature different – at times mildly grotesque – characters that disguise the performing artist herself. Hence the body becomes the medium to convey the different themes she is working with. Scenography and costume-making is a big part of Kraghs practice, and this theatrical approach shows in her videos and performances. In addition, Kragh works with virtuality and mediated performances as way to introduce an intimate and private space to the spectator.
At ULYD Pernille will make a video-installation in cooperation with Lise Westzynthius.
The atmospheric environment and art installations at Odense Musikbibliotek will be created by Søren Bille and Henrik Noer.
ULYD is happening in collaboration with Odense Kommune and Statens Kunstfond.