This exhibition seeks to explore the intersection of humanity and technology.
In one sense, perversion is a deviation from what is considered “good” engineering practice. In another, it is a distortion of humanity perpetrated by technology, a lens which facilitates manipulation and leads to misinterpretation. Or is it engineering itself that is perverted, multiplying immorality, inequality, and destruction with its power? The exhibition can only be viewed through our onsite android. See everything through it lenses, and remote control it with your verbal commands.
We will post a link on the days for you to get direct access to the exhibition.
The Artist and Scientist who has used perverted engineering to bend the laws of what should exist are:
Lionel Jouvet
Lars Mikkes
Dylan Cawthorne
Karsten Nymand
Holger Klintholm
Błażej Banaszewski
and a secret guest star
Reception is the 22. january at 19.00
(Bring your own glasses and chips this time.)
Opening days are at 16.00 – 19.0025 jan.
29. jan.
01. feb.
05. feb.
08. feb.
12. feb.
The exhibition is sponsored by:
Udstillingen er støttet af Odense Kommune, Kulturpuljen.
Also special thanks to The O-town Garage for using the space, and to HAL1 for helping with the remote controlled android.